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Sunday, January 26, 2020
Secularisation in Contemporary Ireland
Secularisation in Contemporary Ireland This study will investigate whether, and in what ways secularisation is occurring in contemporary Ireland. Theories of secularisation, and arguments against the process, abound, and this is a hotly debated topic. How, and in what ways might secularisation be said to be taking place within a given society? This study will attempt to make a contribution to this debateby looking at the situation in Ireland. Attention will also be paidhowever, to what has happened in Britain as much of the researchconcerning secularisation has taken place in that context. It will makesome comparisons between Ireland and the situation in Britain and otherEuropean countries to demonstrate the unique place of religion in Irishsociety. The study will seek to understand: â⬠¢Ã What processes might signify whether secularization is taking place? â⬠¢Ã Whether similarly observed processes might be said to signify that secularization is taking place in Ireland â⬠¢Ã Whether Contemporary Ireland could be said to be a secular society or as Brewer (2005) contends, a post-Christian society. â⬠¢Ã Whether, and in what ways religion may be said to have a unique position in Irish society. The study will draw on statistical and documentary data, along withmedia reports to ascertain whether, and in what ways, secularization istaking place. The study will look at the relationship between religionand the state in the republic of Ireland and also in Northern Ireland.It will also look at the education system and the phenomenon ofinter-religious marriage. In this way the study treats existingdocumentation as primary data by using it together in a distinctivefashion. Structure The study will begin with theories of secularization and a literaturereview which will look at the process in Britain and in Europe andcontrast this with the situation in Ireland to demonstrate in what waysIreland may differ from other industrialized societies and how this mayaffect whether and in what ways secularization could be said to betaking place. Following the literature review the methodologicalapproach to the study will be outlined and attention will be paid toreflexivity in the research process. There will be an analysis of thefindings of the research and finally a conclusion that will establishwhether the research question has fulfilled its aims. Religion is common to almost all cultures. Religious traditions andtheir teachings are, it might be argued, the result of three things,faith, theology, and culture. Anthropologist Clifford Geertz (1966) describes religion thus: 1. A system of symbols which acts to 2. Establish powerful, pervasive,and long-lasting moods and motivations in men by 3. Formulatingconceptions of a general order of existence and 4. Clothing theseconceptions with such an aura of factuality that 5. The moods andmotivations seem uniquely realistic (Geertz, 1966:4). Religion has many different aspects from personal beliefs aboutspirituality, to institutional structures like schools and hospitals,to the influence of religious bodies over legislation Until theEnlightenment the teachings of religion were rarely questioned becausethey were regarded as direct truth from God. Modernity, with its implicit understanding of the absolute powers of reason, called intoquestion the traditional understandings of theological truth claims anddrastically reduced the cultural influence of theology and religion. The contemporary term ââ¬Ësecularisationââ¬â¢ has come to represent thedeclining influence of religion in society. The word is contextual inthat it arises from the western tradition and is part of the history ofthe church.It was first used in 1648à to refer to the transfer of landsunder church control to lay political control. The term secular is alsoused to specify that which is inferior to the realm of the sacred. Itwas later used in the context of the priest being allowed to dispensewith his vows, in the Middle Ages the distinction between religious andsecular priests referred to those who worked within a religious orderand those who worked among the laity. From the 1830s onwards the death of religion due to the rise of thescientific age was proclaimed by confident atheists. Comte inparticular decreed that the fiction that was theology would die and be replaced by the truth of science. This viewwas largely endorsed by Marx, Durkheim, Weber and Freud, all of whomwere convinced that the forces of the modern age heralded the birth ofa secular one. Auguste Comte is regarded as the founder of sociology.He believed that with the rise of science religion would, eventually, die out. Weber also thought that religion would loseits significance through the growth of capitalism and the influence ofurbanisation and rising technology. The world would become desacralisedand there would be less reliance on magic and religion. Meaning would be found rationally. Throughout the twentieth century it had been widely assumed that the decline of religion and religious belief was an irreversible process. Sociologists are keen to stress that secularisation is a natural process rather than a polemic againstreligion (which secularism is), some would also argue thatsecularisation is not an ideology (an imposed system of ideas). It is simply a process which has been observed over the last twoà or three hundred years. Seen from this vantage point secularisation is largely the result of two things, the increasing complexity of modern society andits compartmentalisation into different areas, for example, politics,education and the law, and religion ceasing to provide cohesion for allareas of human life. Wilson (1966) says that the complexity of thisprocess is characterised by a wide variety of innovations which haveled to a structural change in society. He cites the following;scientific advance and the development of technology, changing patternsof wor k and increasing industrialisation, the rise of individuality,and education characterised by science rather than religion andtradition. Bruce and Wallis (1992) class secularization as the ââ¬Ëdiminishingsocial significance of religionââ¬â¢, directly brought about by threestrands of modernization: ââ¬Ësocial differentiationââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ësocietalizationââ¬â¢and ââ¬Ërationalizationââ¬â¢.à By social differentiation, they mean theprocess by which ââ¬Ëspecialised institutionsââ¬â¢ take the place of religiousones; for example, in Britain the provision of education and welfare isnow the responsibility of a secular government, not the church.à Socialdifferentiation also includes the fragmentation of society into distinct social groups basedon differing life experiences, for example a distinction between socialclasses. Bruce allows however that the significance of religion is lesslikely to decline if it can find some social role, other than thecommunication of beliefs, within the wider society. In Ireland for example, the fact that religion has long been a source of contentionhas given it anot her social role. Societalization refers to the disappearance of small-scale communities and their replacement by the idea of ââ¬Ësocietyââ¬â¢, largely due toincreasing industrialization and urbanization.à Rationalization refersto changes in the way people think; the rise of science and technologyhas removed uncertainty and the need for faith and has provided rational explanations for questions which in the past were considered the domain of religion.à The combined effect of theseprocesses is the decline in the social position of religion. McLeod(1992) maintains that the concepts of differentiation andrationalization are not particularly helpful when trying to understandthe place of religion in a particular society as cultural practicesdiffer widely. Berger (1970) believes that urbanisation and modernisation result insocial fragmentation and this leads to a plurality of cultural andrelgious groups. The monopoly previously held by one group comes to anend. We can see that this has happened, whether or not we subscribe tothe secularisation thesis. Secularisation is a problematic concept however, while Wilson (1982) and Bruce (1996)maintain that the forces of modernity heralded a new secularized age,other theorists differ. The view that modernization inevitably leads tosecularization is often challenged. Martin (1978) contends that inorder to make sense of the process of religion in industrialized societies attention must be paid to the specific cultural andhistorical patterns that pertain in a specific society. In NorthernIreland for example, religion has remained in the public arena as asource of dispute that is connected to issues of national identity.What happens in Ireland is quite different to what has happened inBritain since the Second World War. The Changing Face of Religion in Britain The religious landscape of Britain was significantly different at the close of World War2 than it is now, at the dawn of the twenty first century. In the yearsimmediately preceding the war and on into the late 1940s and 50s themajority of British people still had some form of contact with theChurch (often through their children attending Sunday School, orthrough membership of Scouts, Guides and the like) and many still claimed to hold a belief in God and in the basic teachings of Christianity. They would also have been exposed to explicitly Christian teaching in schools. The General Picture and its Effects in Ireland The growing importance of the ecumenical movement meant a change indenominational attitudes. Mainstream Christianity was endorsed in partby the 1944 Education Act. The Act required that the school day begin with anassembly and act of worship and that religious instruction should beaccording to an agreed syllabus and should be given to all pupils(Parsons, 1993). The Act did not make provisions for other faith traditions, but neither did it specify the form of worship or instruction. The ongoing effect of the Act was to weaken the hold of mainstream Christianity on British society, although this was not considered atthe time the Act was passed. It was felt that non-denominational worship and teaching would make sensewhen co-related with more specific Church teaching that it assumed children would have (Parsons, 1993).à However this assumption proved to be unfounded. Theway in which education has been affected in Ireland is ratherdifferent. In some areas amendment to the education system haveresulted in a reiteration ofà Catholic religious beliefs to thedetriment of the Protestant minority. The Picture in Ireland Secularisation has affected the whole ofEurope and surveys undertaken in the 1980s and 90aà via the EuropenaValues systems survey indicated that many young people show little ifany recognition of religious symbols. In Ireland the situation israther different. Although seculaisation may be seen to be having aneffect religion has always had a prominent place in Irish life andpolitics. In Ireland the survey showed that there was a growing lack of confidence in the church and that for the first time a generation who were not connected to the church was emerging. Irelandis quite different from both Britain and the rest of Europe. While in Britain and the rest of Europe the process of secularization has been taking place for the last 300 years, Bishop Bill Murphy maintains that in Ireland it has onlybeen observable for the last 30 years.à In the republic of Irelandthere has, historically been a much closer connection between Churchand state. The refusal of the state to confront the Church iscontributing to the international problem of the unresolved question of those who have been sexually abused by clergy. Doyle (2005) writes poignantly on this matter. Their voice is stifled, their complaint against the church is relegatedto the wings. This is precisely what the Church has sought to doelsewhere, including America, though with much less success and at far greater financial cost. (Doyle, 2005 no p. no.).à The place of education, and particularly compulsory religious educationis a highly controversial subject in sectarian Ireland. From thenineteenth century the education system in Ireland has been split alongsectarian lines and in the last thirty years this has been an area ofmajor concern for some analysts (Darby, 1976). Bowen (1983) maintains that since independence the minority ofProtestants (in the 1991 census only 3% fell into this category) hasfallen further and that this is largely a result of inter-religiousmarriage. In 1996 a study was undertaken to establish the number ofinter-religious marriages in Ireland (Sexton and Oââ¬â¢Leary, 1996).Ireland has witnessed a growth in inter-religious marriages (Bowen,1983). Jack White, a Protestant wrote of inter-religious marriage that:à no single cause contributes so much to the continuing division in Irish life and the embitterment of inter-church relations; in any circle of Protestants this will be advanced to justify segregation in education and social activitiesââ¬â¢(White, 1975: 129). The Research Question This study looks at the process of secularization in contemporary Ireland. It draws comparisons between what has happened in Britain andwhat is happening in Ireland. The argument of this study is that theIrish context is quite unique and secularization may not be occurringin the way that sociologists understand it, i.e. the removal ofreligion from the public to the private sphere. In Ireland theconnection between Church and state and between religion and politicsmeans that religion is constantly in the public sphere and thus thesituation is quite different. This difference has led Brewer (2005) toview Ireland in terms of a post-Christian society rather than in termsof secularization. The use of the term post-Christian originated in the1960s in Britain where the pace of social and religious change and thecontention of many theorists that Britain was a secular society ledsome theologians to speak of the death of God and a post-Christian era.The term was again taken up in the 1960s by feminist theologian MaryDaly who called on women to leave the Churches and to participate in apost-Christian spirituality. Methodology This study will investigate the above question through a literature based survey. It will look especially at : â⬠¢Ã Inter-religious marriage â⬠¢Ã The education system â⬠¢Ã Whether the situation in Ireland could be said to be unique in that religion in Ireland still occupies a very public place. Due to costs and time constraints the research will consist of theexamination and analysis of existing documentation, statistics, andmedia reports. Theoretical concerns are: â⬠¢Ã Whether, and in what ways, increasing industrialization and modernization influences the process of secularization in Ireland. â⬠¢Ã How this process manifests and may be connected to any perceptions of the decline of religious authority in Ireland. â⬠¢Ã Whether what is emerging could be called secularization, or as Brewer(2005) maintains might be better thought of as post-Christian The major areas of analysis are through the relationship betweenChurch and state in the republic of Ireland and how this impacts on, oris impacted by, inter-religious marriage and the education system.Questions arising from this are: â⬠¢Ã How far might the relationship between Church and state be said toimply that the Irish situation is unique due to religionââ¬â¢s place in thepublic sphere. â⬠¢Ã Does a growth in inter-religious marriage loosen religious ties anddoes it indicate a decline in adherence to religious authority? â⬠¢Ã Has integrated education been successful and how does this affect the teaching ofà religious values and doctrines? â⬠¢Ã How far could there be said to be a move towards a multi-faithorientation in the teaching of religious studies, and what effectsmight this have on the Irish situation? â⬠¢Ã Might Ireland be said to be a post-Christian rather than a secular society. â⬠¢Ã The research will be largely literature based, using existing studies and analyzing them in terms of the above questions. This same process of analysiswill also be applied to media reports and to statistical findings. Onesource of data will be the 1991 census which indicated that 84% of theIrish population still claimed regular church attendance. In addition the study will look at any decline inreligious practices as defined by Wilson 1982. How does societydistance itself from religious traditions? Theorists argue that it canbe seen in theà decline in the number of church baptisms and weddings,and the fact that church officials have less financial recognition. InBritain religious festivals have become increasingly secularised and sohave beliefs with numbers of ministers saying that they no longerbelieve in the virgin birth, the incarnation or the resurrection. Wilsonà is of the opinion that there are at least three levels ofanalysis that need addressing if we are to assess the impact ofsecularisation they are: religious practice, religious organisation andreligious belief. While these three levels are dealt with separatelyfor the purpose of this research, they are connected empirically.People are, more often than not born into a religious tradition in thesame way that they are born into a particular culture and these thingswill affect a personââ¬â¢s worldview, their moral values, and their senseof themselves. This study will also ask how far Wilsonââ¬â¢s levels ofanalysis could be said to be evident in Ireland and thus relevant tothe Irish situation. The distinctiveness of this study is the bringingtogether of a number of different aspects of the Irish situation andcomparing them (for example attitudes to marriage and to abortion) towhat has happened in Britain. Does going to Church really mean that a person believes in God, or canyou do this without attending religious ceremonies. It certainly seemsthat the power and influence of the Church and perhaps other organisedreligions is declining in Britain if the statistics are anything to goby.à Sunday Schools were another recruiting ground for the Church they were extremely popular in the late nineteenthcentury and remained so until the middle of the twentieth century. Thenumber of attendees at Sunday School is now only ten percent of thenumber in 1900 (Bruce, 1995). The next question is how has thisinfluenced the institutions themselves. At the same time This involves an examination of the extent to which religiousorganisations are involved in the day to day secular order in anysociety and to what extent they are able to exert control over thatsociety. Signs of the growth of secularisation include the following,declining membership of the established Churches, declining numbers ofpeople who are willing to make religion their vocation, and the closingof churches, which in Britain are either sold off or left and allowed to fall into terminal dereliction. Historically, senior clergy were recruited from the same universities,schools and families as the government.à In Britain Church of EnglandBishops were recruited largely from the peerage or landed gentry in1860. This practice has decreased and nowadays clergy often come fromthe poorer strata of society. The Protestant Church was once considereda good living but its wealth has declined and so ordinands usually haveconcerns other than material welfare, it has becomeà a low statusoccupation. In Britain there was a marked decline in the number ofChurch of England ordinands between 1900 and 1988 (Bruce, 1995). Thisstarted happening much later in Ireland, and at a much slower pace. With the apparent decline in church membership and the marked declinein the number of both Church of England and Roman Catholic ordinandsthe requirement for church buildings has diminished. This has largelyaffected the Anglican Church and in some cases other Protestant denominations. The trend for closingchurches is less marked in the Roman Catholic Church. It could be thatthe Catholics were not so prolific in their church building as theAnglicans were or that they have greater funding capacity formaintaining large buildings. Nevertheless it is not uncommon nowadays,in Britain particularly, to see Church buildings sold off and used aspubs or as retail outlets or warehouses. This has not yet been the case inIreland, particularly the Irish republic, where much of the land andbuildings are still the property of the Catholic church and remainsunder the churchââ¬â¢s control. In Britain, between 1970 and 1998 1250 church buildings were closedor sold off. Religion itself appears to be changing, becomingsecularised, it is less likely to provide a lead for people and moreinclined to follow trends than to set them (Browne, 1998).Browne (1998)shows that while the influence of the Anglican Church has declined, andmay continue to do so, the Church still remains important in a numberof ways. â⬠¢Ã Church of England Bishops have seats in the House of Lords. (The Lords Spiritual). â⬠¢Ã Themonarch must be a member of the Church of England, is crowned by theArchbishop of Canterbury, and since the time of Henry V111 has beenhead of the Church of England and Defender of the Faith. â⬠¢Ã The Church of England remains the official or established Church in England. â⬠¢Ã The Church of England is extremely wealthy, with investment funds ofan estimated à £3 billion in 1991, and it is one of the largestlandowners in the country. â⬠¢Ã Since the 1944 Education Act, all schools have been legally obligedto hold a religious ceremony each day, and the 1988 Education ReformAct reaffirmed and strengthened the requirements to hold assemblies ofa broadly Christian nature and teach Christian beliefs for at least 51percent of the time allocated to religion in schools. This still leaves us with the question of whether religious belief is affected by the growth in secularisation. How much influence does religion have in the areas of personalbelief and practice, and how does one measure peopleââ¬â¢s beliefs?Sociologists identify this type of measuring as a problem and many admit that there is no clear picture ofwhether, and to what extent, secularisation has occurred in this area.One of the problems stems from the different understandings people haveof such a belief. For numbers of people it may be agreement to all ofthe teachings of Christianity, for others a general belief in God andfor some it might be a spiritual awareness and a sense of meaning andpurpose to life. In Ireland, religious belief is closely allied topolitical matters and people are far more inclined to state that theybelong to a particular tradition, in this way they define not onlytheir religion, but also their political and national loyalties. In Britain one way of estimating trends in religious believing is tolook at the rise in the number of New Religious movements, the rise ofthe Bla ck led Churches and the rise in the number of House Churches.There has also been a considerable growth in other forms of evangelicalChristianity and most people in Britain still claim a belief in God.. Bruce (1995) argues that the face of organised religion over the lasttwo hundred years has changed from a dominant Church model to thegrowth of the sect and the denomination (Bruce, 1995). This has been brought about by the riseof cultural pluralism and the reluctance of governments to use force toget people into a state Church. Although the churches were slow torelinquish their privileges the role of the Anglican, Scottish, and Welsh Churches have changed considerable sincethe 19th century, in Britain for example in 1828 a person who heldpublic office was, at least officially, a member of the Anglican faith. Non-members could not holdpublic office. Catholics were not allowed the vote before 1829 (Bruce,1995) and it was 1850 before the Church was allowed to restore its hierarchy. Until 1836 marriagescould only be celebrated by an Anglican minister, irrespective of thefaith of the marriage partners and until 1854 non-Anglicans were not allowed to study at Oxford andCambridge, and unti 1871 all teaching posts at these institutions wereheld by Anglicans. Women were not allowed to be members of thesecolleges before the late 1890s. With each of these changes the Churchof England lost some of its power in society. Bruce (1995) holds that Protestantism by its very nature increases fragmentation inreligion and by extension in society. The rise of the ecumenicalmovement also played a part in the Churchââ¬â¢s loss of power. Fragmentation undermines the Church, it has state support for areligious monopoly and this has gradually been removed, this also hasfunding implications, until the nineteenth century the Churches werefunded by the land they owned and by public taxation, this was largelyfinished by the start of the twentieth century. Secondly its personnelbecome increasingly influenced by the psychology of an increasinglypluralist culture. It is not so easy to believe that a religion isright in every detail when other worldviews are becoming more prominent. At the same time the Church retains an illusion of strength from the continuation of communal occasions such as baptisms, weddings and funerals. However, the growth in competition means that this illusion becomes increasingly difficult to maintain (Bruce, 1995). The rise inthe number of denominations eventually increases tolerance anddecreases certainty. The problems that different denominations beenmight be said to constitute a significant feature of the situation in Ireland, particularly as it pertains to education. In Northern Ireland, beginning in the 1980s integrated systems ofeducation were introduced and this caused a deal of controversy centredaround conflicting interests (Dunn, 1989). The Belfast Agreement of1998 set out guidelines for the promotion of religious and culturaltolerance and it is thought by some commentators that this was directly linked to the Good Friday Agreement (Morgan and Fraser, 1999).Since the Good Friday Agreement some thinkers have argued that there isan increasing secularization in Ireland and that liberals in the Northmay be considering replicating the multi-faith educational model thatoperates in the rest of Britain. This has led to vigorous debate anddiscussion of the differences between Britain and Ireland (Barnes,2004). Although numbers of commentators contend that there is a growingsecularization, in Ireland in the 1991 census 84% claimed to attendchurch at least once a week. In a survey undertaken in the south ofIreland Greil (1998) found the following listed in the table on thenext page. Table One weekly mass attendance in the Republic of Ireland 1981-1998 Yearà %à Commentsà Source 1998à 94%à older peopleà Survey of Diocese of Cashel and Emly published in Irish Times 1998à 92%à People over 65à MRBI poll for Irish Times 1981à 87%à all peopleà European Values Survey 1998à 87%à Connacht/Ulster peopleà MRBI poll for Irish Times 1990à 85%à all peopleà European Values Survey 1988/89à 82%à all peopleà Mac Grà ©il (1996) 1998à 66%à all peopleà MRBI poll for Irish Times 1998à 60%à People 18-34à Survey of Diocese of Cashel and Emly published in Irish Times 1998à 60%à all peopleà RTE Prime Time poll 1998à 50%à Dublinersà MRBI poll for Irish Times 1998à 41%à 18-24 yr oldsà MRBI poll for Irish Times 1990à 40%à Urban unemployedà European Values Survey While this does show a rapid decline, particularly among the young,for Father Greil the fact that only one percent of his sample professedno religion at all, still leaves him optimistic about the place of religion in Irish life. Greil is of the opinion that there is a lack of community feeling in the cities and that the rapid growth in urbanization is a significant factor in the decline in church attendance. à While there does seem to be a decline in participation in organisedreligion in both contemporary Britain and in Ireland, many people stillclaim to hold orthodox beliefs and a moral judgement based on thetenets of Christianity. At the same time they do not have so muchattraction to institutional forms of religions (Bruce, 1995 and Browne,1998). The nineteen sixties saw rapid social and religious change. In theyears after the war, the rise of the welfare state, the growth in thenumber of Catholic Grammar Schools and the resulting rise in the numberof Catholics to enter Higher Education spurred a transformation inBritish Catholicism. This eventually led, in the 1960s to the holdingof the Second Vatican Council and the resultant Catholic alignment withthe ecumenical movement. By the end of the decade most people owned a television and programmessuch as That was the Week That Was took an irreverent view of religion.This, along with the sixties sexual revolution, brought changingattitudes towards the Church and to peopleââ¬â¢s attitudes to religiousauthority. The media was highly influential on the Churchââ¬â¢s publicimage and became far more critical of outdated morality.à What went onin America had a greater influence on what happened in Britain. Thesuccess of the civil rights movement in the mid-nineteen sixties openedthe way for second-wave feminism and the call for womenââ¬â¢s rights. Theabortion reform act of 1967 meant that women had more rights over their own body and the employmentdiscrimination act of the mid-nineteen seventies meant that other thanin the Church employers could not discriminate on the basis of sex. Thelate 1960s also saw the burgeoning of feminist theologies. These havedeveloped and changed over the last thirty years a nd have become achallenge to patriarchal systems across the world. Divorce law reformsaw a huge increase in the number of divorces and traditionalists sawthis as a threat to the institute of marriage and the structure of thefamily. The rise of the Gay Christian movement and the aids threatsfrom the 1980s onward meant an overall rethinking and debate onpersonal morality within the chuches (Parsons, 1993). As stated earlier Brewer (2005) contends that what is happening inIreland is very different to what has happened in Britain and ratherthan the secularisation of Ireland what we are seeing is the move to apost-Christian society. What Brewer means by this is: the declining ability of Christian religion to affect and shapeordinary believersââ¬â¢ lives, a growing liberalisation in what ordinaryChristians believe and in the certainty with which they believe it, andthe appearance of other world faiths, still admittedly very much asminority religions, but a presence that nonetheless challenges theChristian hegemony. Religious diversity and pluralism now has to caterfor differences in practice and belief between the world religions notjust Catholic and Protestant (Brewer, 2005:7).à Sociologists use divorce statistics, abortion and homosexuality figuresto sustain the argument that secularisation is on the increase. Theyuse this evidence to suggest that these factors are a result of thedeclining importance of religious thinking and teaching in peopleââ¬â¢slives. In Britain many people have a pick and mix attitude towards religious believing and more than half of all marriages are nowcivil or non-religious ceremonies.From the 1950s onward Ireland haswitnessed an increasing industrialization through urbanization and agrowth in the number of people employed in both the industrial, ratherthan the agricultural sector, and in higher education. Religion hasbeen a key factor in Ireland and, since the 1970s, an increasing causeof conflict between Catholic and Protestant groups (Oââ¬â¢Leary, 2001).Brewer (2005) has argued that the conflict has not been about religionas such but about identity and political loyalty. Religion is not the substance of this conflict; no one seriouslyargues that the conflict has been about religion. But religion is itsform, the way in which it is experienced. The contestation has beenabout the legitimacy of the state and access to its scarce resources,but this took on a religious form because ââ¬ËCatholicââ¬â¢ and ââ¬ËProtestantââ¬â¢were the
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Define the following types of abuse: Physical abuse Essay
Hitting, slapping, pushing or kicking, forcing people to eat or take medication, leaving people to sit in urine or faeces. 1.1b ââ¬â Define the following types of abuse: Sexual abuse Unwanted advances, indecent exposure or harassment, rough washing or touching of the genital area, rape, being forced to watch or participate in sexual acts. 1.1c ââ¬â Define the following types of abuse: Emotional/psychological abuse Intimidation, not being included, being ignored, threats, bullying, humiliating and blaming. These include discrimination that relates to age, race, gender, sexuality, culture, religion etc. 1.1d ââ¬â Define the following types of abuse: Financial abuse Using an individualââ¬â¢s money without their permission or on items they have not requested, not giving correct change, taking store card points, taking the free item of ââ¬Å"buy one get one freeâ⬠. Not giving individuals enough money for food and essential items. 1.1e ââ¬â Define the following types of abuse: Institutional abuse Poor care to people in group environments, for example, in a residential care home or in a day centre. Food choices not provided for individuals with different dietary needs or requirements. The individualââ¬â¢s room and clothing not being kept clean. 1.1f ââ¬â Define the following types of abuse: Self neglect Individual not eating, washing, dressing properly. Not looking after themselves. 1.1g ââ¬â Define the following types of abuse: Neglect by others Inadequate care or denial of an individualââ¬â¢s basic rights. 1.2 ââ¬â . Identify the signs and/or symptoms associated with each type of abuse. These are the main types of abuse with some examples of signs and symptoms: Physical ââ¬â Unexplained bruises, scratches, cuts, fractures, broken bones, broken teeth. Sexual ââ¬âBruises around genital area. Individual becomes particular about washing genital area or wanting to hide themselves. Emotional / psychological ââ¬â Abnormal behaviour or moods. Talking a lot and very fast or being unusually quiet. Appearing afraid or worried. Being concerned that care and support may not continue Financial ââ¬â Shortage of money, reluctance to pay for things, complaining about price increases, unusual interest or lack of interest in their personal finances. Institutional ââ¬â Individuals not eating properly, not dressing properly, not participating, staying in their rooms, not getting required attention and support, complaints from residents or family members. Dirty rooms and communal areas. Health and safety being ignored. Self-neglect ââ¬âIndividual gaining or losing weight, looking dirty or dishevelled. Not washing and smelling. Not caring about themselves. Medical issues not being taken care of. Lack of confidence and self-esteem. Lack of social network, family and friends. Staying at home when they could get out and about. Neglect by others ââ¬â Any of the above symptoms could be neglect or lead to neglect by others if left and not resolved. If you do not take action to report or resolve a situation where you believe abuse is taking or has taken place, you could be accused of neglect yourself. 1.3 ââ¬â Describe factors that may contribute to an individual being more vulnerable to abuse. Some individuals are more vulnerable to harm or abuse than others. These are some of the reasons why: Individuals with a sensory impairment, for example, poor or no hearing or sight that might lead to communication difficulties. Individuals may lack the capacity to understand what is happening or that it is wrong. Lack of capacity could be for a number of different reasons and could be long term or short term. Individuals may be severely disabled. Individuals may be physically or emotionally weak and rely on others for care. Individuals may have suffered brain injury and may not be able to communicate. Individuals may be unconscious. à Individuals who do not have good support networks around them. Individuals being cared for at home who are reliant on another person for care and support. 204 Cert.2 ââ¬â Know how to respond to suspected or alleged abuse. 2.1 ââ¬â . Explain the actions to take if there are suspicions that an individual is being abused. The actions to take constitute the employeeââ¬â¢s responsibilities in responding to allegations or suspicions of abuse. Always follow policies and procedures and report to the appropriate person(s), record the facts on appropriate paperwork, listen do not judge, stay calm and collected, and do not tamper with evidence. 2.2 ââ¬â . Explain the actions to take if an individual alleges that they are being abused. The key things you MUST do if an individual discloses abuse to you: Assume the individual is telling the truth. Speak to them in a calm and sensitive way. Listen carefully and make sure you record what was said including date, time and place. Reassure the individual and tell them that you have to pass this information on. Always follow your policies and procedures. If the individual needs medical attention, call the emergency services or call a doctor as appropriate and inform your supervisor / manager immediately or another available senior person. If this is a criminal matter, for example, an alleged assault, rape or indecent exposure, you will need to call the police and if in any doubt consult your policies and procedures or contact your supervisor / manager immediately or another available senior person. 2.3 ââ¬â Identify ways to ensure that evidence of abuse is preserved. In most circumstances you may not need to do anything except record the events that have given cause for concern. The best way to preserve evidence is to report the matter as quickly as possible. When needed you should: Make a written record of messages (e.g. answer-phone) to ensure they are not lost. Include the date and time and sign them Ensure written records (notes, letters, bank statements, medication records etc.) are kept in a safe place Donââ¬â¢t tidy up,à wash clothes, bedding or other items. Do not try to clear or tidy anything up Try not to touch anything unless you have to for the immediate wellbeing of the victim ââ¬â if you have to try to make a record of what you have done If any sexual offence is suspected try to discourage the victim from washing, drinking, cleaning their teeth or going to the toilet until the police are present Preserve anything used to warm or comfort the victim e.g. a blanket Try to ensure that no one else enters the premises or alleged scene of crime until the police arrive If you can, try and ensure that the alleged perpetrator does not have any contact with the victim Record any physical signs or injuries using a body map (click here) or hand drawing. Write a description of any physical signs or injuries including size, shape, colour etc. Always remember to sign and date your notes and any other records you have made 204 Cert.3 ââ¬â Understand the national and local context of safeguarding and protection from abuse. 3.1 ââ¬â Identify national policies and local systems that relate to safeguarding and protection from abuse. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) regulates care homes and inspects every care home it registers. The CQC also registers homeâ⬠care or domiciliary care services. Any registered care provider must, by law, have a complaints procedure. Services have rules about the staff they employ and the standards of care they provide. Everybody working with vulnerable adults and children has to complete a criminal record check by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). The DBS helps employers to make safer recruitment decisions and prevent unsuitable people from working with vulnerable groups, including children. It replaces the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) and Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA). The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS), implemented April 2009, provide a legal protection for those vulnerable people who are, or may become, deprived of their liberty. Safeguards exist to provide a proper legal process and suitable protection in those circumstances where deprivation of liberty appears to be unavoidable, in a personââ¬â¢s own best interests. These safeguards can apply to people who have a mental disorder and lack capacity to consent to the arrangements made for their care or treatment, but for whom receiving care or treatment in circumstances that amount to a deprivation of liberty may be necessary to protect them from harm and appears to be in their best interests. 3.2 ââ¬â . Explain the roles of different agencies in safeguarding and protecting individuals from abuse. Care Quality Commission (CQC): They have a role to play in safeguarding. If you have followed policies and procedures and reported a situation of abuse and you are not getting reasonable feedback about what action is being taken and you do not believe your complaint has been acted upon, or you suspect that your supervisor / manager is involved, and there is no-one else internally in your organisation you can talk to, you should contact CQC. Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS): The DBS helps employers to make safer recruitment decisions and prevent unsuitable people from working with vulnerable groups, including children. It replaces the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) and Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA). The DBS are responsible for: Processing requests for criminal records checks Deciding whether it is appropriate for a person to be placed on or removed from a barred list. Placing or removing people from the DBS childrenââ¬â¢s barred list and adultsââ¬â¢ barred list for England, Wales and Northern Ireland 3.3 ââ¬â Identify reports into serious failures to protect individuals from abuse. In cases where suspected abuse or neglect has resulted in death, or abuse or neglect is known or suspected to be a factor in the death (including death by suspected suicide), or for cases of serious and significant harm, a Serious Case Review (SCR) will be undertaken 3.4 ââ¬âà Identify sources of information and advice about own role in safeguarding and protecting individuals from abuse. Sources of information and advice include: Care Home manager Care Plans Mandatory Training Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS) Quality care Commission (CQC) Citizens advice Bureau Social Services Health Services Police Solicitor 204 Cert.4 ââ¬â Understand ways to reduce the likelihood of abuse. 4.1a ââ¬â Explain how the likelihood of abuse may be reduced by: working with person centred values This ensures a carer can: 1. Define care values and explain the principles of care 2. Explain the importance of rights, privacy, respect and dignity in ensuring choice and independence 3. Explain the principles of delivery for a person centred approach to care delivery 4. Know how to use a care plan to help in delivering person centred care 5. Explain the responsibilities of the organisation and care worker in care delivery 6. Define the role of the care worker in establishing and maintaining effective work relationships 7. Explain how to utilise support and supervision to ensure effective practice 8. Explore ways to develop the knowledge and skills required to promote continual development of the care worker 9. Promoting empowerment In using person centred values you can manage risks associated with: Person centred approaches Privacy Dignity History Preferences Wishes Needs Determining needs How needs develop Neglect Language preferences Communication Relationships Significant others Activities Nutrition Diet Eating problems Supporting that development Supporting the individual Choice Care values Care planning The care (service) setting Routine Possessions Syndromes Conditions Working safely Managing risk Dealing with emergencies Visitors Abuse Personal care Continence Medication Pain Dying, death Sleep Ageing Mental health Confusion Dementia Disabilities Mobility Promoting independence 4.1b ââ¬â Explain how the likelihood of abuse may be reduced by: encouraging active participation Active participation is an approach that empowers individuals in the activities and relationships of everyday life leading to them living as independently as possible. The importance to the individual as an active partner in their own care or support is that it brings physical, psychological, relational and over all wellbeing benefits. The likelihood of abuse is decreased as the individual engages positively by actively participating is area of their life, such as in personal care, the scope for abuse by others is reduced. 4.1c ââ¬â Explain how the likelihood of abuse may be reduced by: promoting choice and rights An important feature of empowerment is to offer people genuine choice when it comes to the services and supports on offer. This issue was highlighted by SCIEââ¬â¢s Service User Advisory Group on Safeguarding Adults. Without choice and the ability to exercise choice, the potential for abuse can become greater and the opportunity to escape it become harder. 4.2 ââ¬â . Explain the importance of an accessible complaints procedure for reducing the likelihood of abuse. Every employer should have a procedure in place for raising any concerns or a complaint about abuse so that it is a simple process and encourages people to raise their concerns, however small they might appear to be. Complaints are very important as they often lead to an improvement in the service(s) provided. The complaints procedure can usually be found in the Safeguarding Adults policy and procedures. You will also need to be aware of the contact details for your Local Authorityââ¬â¢s Safeguarding team. 204 Cert.5 ââ¬â Know how to recognise and report unsafe practices. 5.1 ââ¬â . Describe unsafe practices that may affect the well-being of individuals. Unsanitary conditions can spread infection as cross-contamination can occur and can affect the well-being of the individual and others. Improper hand washing can also pose a risk. Dirty kitchen surfaces and equipment can spread infections, not covering hair when cooking can pose a risk to individual as cannot reporting faulty equipment when working or not having cleaning materials can also be unsafe. In terms of health and safety not having risk assessments in place when a service user hurts themselves. Staff not checking when a service user is ill or unsteady on their feet. Staff not recording in care plans about a service userââ¬â¢s wellbeing and health and not monitoring them. Other unsafe practices which also amount to abuse can occur such as leaving a service user on the toilet too long, ignoring or not listening to them. Marks on body not taken seriously and complaints not taken seriously can put them at more danger, harm and risk of abuse. 5.2 ââ¬â . Explain the actions to take if unsafe practices have been identified. If I identify unsafe practices then I must follow the whistle-blowing procedure and report to the appropriate person(s). I will report to my manager immediately or if it involves my manager then to another appropriate person(s). I will monitor all unsafe practices and make sure that I record and report in full all the evidence and then will talk to my manager because all unsafe practices are dangerous practices that could cause harm to the individual and others. For example, I talked to my manager last week about things being left on the stairs that may cause service users and others to fall over and hurt themselves. She has talked to the staff and now this has stopped.ââ¬â¢ 5.3 ââ¬â . Describe the action to take if suspected abuse or unsafe practicesà have been reported but nothing has been done in response. If suspected abuse or unsafe practices have been reported but nothing has been done in response or if it has to do with my manager then I will report to the next level or manager. If it has to do with my manager then I will report to management, then to the social worker and safeguarding team and to the care quality commission and even to the police depending on the response I get.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Static Electricity
Everything is made up of tiny particles called atoms. The atoms are made up of even smaller parts called protons, electrons and neutrons. Protons have a positive charge (+), electrons have a negative charge (-) and neutrons have no charge at all, they are neutral. Atoms normally have the same amount of electrons and protons, making them neutral and having no charge. When rubbing things together, electrons can move from one atom to another, resulting in some atoms having extra electrons and a negative charge.The other atoms now have more protons than electrons and a positive charge. When the charges are separated, it is static electricity. ââ¬Å"Electricity is present in all matter in the form of electrons and protons. Any device that develops and maintains a voltage can be considered a voltage source. To accomplish this, the voltage source must remove electrons from one point and transfer electrons to a second point. â⬠(Petruzella, 2001. ) One type of electricity is static ele ctricity. The term static means standing still which makes static electricity an electric charge that is at rest.Static electricity is defined as ââ¬Å"an accumulation of electric charge on an insulated body. â⬠(Free Dictionary) In other words, it is a charge that is created when two objects that are not good electrical conductors are rubbed together, and electrons from one of the object rub off onto the other object. Some of the results of static electricity may be sparks, shocks, or even materials clinging together. The simplest way to form static electricity is by friction. Friction is simply the rubbing of one object against another.By rubbing two different materials together, ââ¬Å"electrons may be forced out of their valence shells in one material and picked up in the shell of the other material. The material that gives up electrons more freely becomes positively charged and the one that gains electrons becomes negatively charged. â⬠(Petruzella, 2001. ) When the electrons are relocated from one material to another, it is called triboelectric charging. Static electricity is formed much better in areas with low humidity and dry air. With humid air, tiny water molecules can collect on the surface of different materials and prevent the buildup of an electrical charge.Although small amounts of water, such as those developed from humidity, can affect a charge, ââ¬Å"extreme turbulence among water dropsâ⬠, such as in a thunderstorm cloud, can cause static electricity to build up on the water droplets themselves. Benjamin Franklin showed that static electricity is created in a thunderstorm cloud by flying a kite during a storm. He noticed the static electricity by seeing the hairs on the kite stand on end and created an electric spark with a metal key. There are other ways to produce a static charge other than friction or contact.An object can also be charged by induction. Induction is used to produce a charge of opposite polarity. Inductance is defined in the text as an ââ¬Å"electrical property which opposes change in current. â⬠(Petruzella, 2001. ) An inductor is ââ¬Å"a device that generates a counter emf that tends to oppose any change in current through the use of ac current flowing through a coil wire. â⬠(Petruzella, 2001. ) Charging by induction makes use of the electrostatic field surrounding a charged body in order to charge an object without touching it.If a negatively charged rod is brought close to the sphere on the inductor, the negative charges in the sphere move as far away from the rod as possible. By touching the sphere, it is grounded and allows the electrons to completely leave the sphere. Once you remove your finger, the electrons no longer have a way of returning to the sphere and the rod is then positively charged. Static electrical charge can be produced by a high-voltage direct current source. Many air purifiers use both positively and negatively charged plates to remove tiny dirt particles from the air.This system uses an electrostatic precipitator and oppositely charged grids. The dirty air moves through the precipitator which gives the dirt particles a positive charge. All of those particles are then attracted to the negatively charged grid and then the air passes through a carbon filter to remove any odors. Static electricity is also used with photography to work a photocopier. An ââ¬Å"electrostatically charged drumâ⬠attracts toner particles to the image in the original document. The metal drum inside the machine is charged at the eginning of each copy. The system inside the photocopier then puts an image of the document onto the drum. The electric charge goes away wherever light shines on the drum and so only the dark parts of the image are still charged on the metal surface. The particles of black toner are oppositely charged and then applied to the drum. The charged parts, which contain the image, are attracted to the toner and transferred to t he paper and finally attached to the paper with heat. Static electricity can cause materials to attract or repel each other.If you use a hair dryer on your hair and then comb through it or just comb it on a very dry day, the plastic comb will collect negative charges from the hair and leave the hair with an excess amount of positive charges. Since like charges repel, the hair strands will push away from each other causing your hair to stand up or ââ¬Å"flyaway. â⬠Static electricity can also cause a spark to jump from one material to another, like when you touch someone and ââ¬Å"shockâ⬠them. As you walk across something like a carpet, electrons cling to you.When you have extra electrons, you then have a negative charge and are attracted to positive charges so once you touch someone else, assuming they have a positive charge, you will feel a tiny shock which is a quick movement of electrons. If there are enough positive electrical charges on one object or material and e nough negative charges on another, the attraction may be so great that the electrons will jump to the other object with out the two touching. After a few electrons make the jump, the air begins to heat up and causes more and more electrons to move and the air to get even hotter.This all happens so fast and causes the air to get so hot that it glows for a split second and is known as a spark. The same process occurs with lightning only on a much larger scale. Removing or preventing a static charge can be very simple such as opening a window or using an air humidifier to ââ¬Å"increase the moisture content of the air and make the atmosphere more conductive. â⬠(Wikipedia) Items that are very sensitive to static discharge can be treated with an antistatic agent. Wikipedia defines an antistatic agent as something that ââ¬Å"adds a conducting urface layer which ensures that any excess charge is evenly distributed. â⬠An example of an antistatic agent is fabric softener or dry er sheets which are used in your laundry to prevent and remove static cling. ââ¬Å"Semiconductor devicesâ⬠which are used in electronics are very sensitive to static charge. These devices are protected using antistatic bags and those who work with these devices ground themselves by wearing conductive antistatic straps to protect their bodies. To test for a charge on an object, you must see how that object affects another object with a known charge.If the two objects repel, that means their charges are alike and if they attract, the charges are opposite. To see if an object is neutral, test it with another neutral object. Neutral objects do not attract with each other, only with another positive or negative object. ââ¬Å"An aluminum-leaf electroscope is a device for detecting the presence of an electric charge and also for determining whether the charge is positive or negative. â⬠(Petruzella, 2001. ) This device is made up of a flask with an insulating stopper. A metal r od goes through the center of the stopper and a metal knob is fastened to the outside end of the rod.Two very thin pieces of aluminum are attached to the other end of the rod inside the flask. ââ¬Å"Normally the positive and negative charges within the electroscope balance each other, leaving it neutral. When a negatively charged body touches the knob of the electroscope, electrons flow from the charged body into the knob and down to the aluminum leaves. Each leaf then becomes negatively charged. Since like charges repel and both leaves are negative, they will diverge, indicating that the object contained a static charge. â⬠(Petruzella, 2001. )In conclusion, static electricity is all around us. It may clean our air or be the cause of a terrible hair day but has both positive and negative effects on many daily routines.Work Cited Page Petruzella, Frank. Essentials of Electronics. Second Ed. Columbus, OH: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, 2001. 39-43. Print. Kurtus, Ron. ââ¬Å"Basics of St atic Electricity. â⬠School for Champions. N. p. , 23 Jan 2009. Web. 17 Oct 2010. . ââ¬Å"Definition of Static Electricity. â⬠The Free Dictionary. Houghton Mifflin, 2000. Web. 20 Oct 2010. . ââ¬Å"Static Electricity. â⬠Wikipedia. N. p. , 16 Oct 2010. Web. 17 Oct 2010. .
Thursday, January 2, 2020
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